Richard Egerton looked again at the official card infront of him, then up into the Chief-Inspector's face.
"Curious business," hesaid.
"Yes, sir," saidChief-Inspector Davy, "a very curious business."
"Bertram's Hotel," saidEgerton, in the fog. "Yes it was a bad fog last night. Isuppose you get a lot of that sort of thing in fogs, don'tyou? Snatch and grab – handbags – thatsort of thing?"
"It wasn't quite likethat," said Father. "Nobodyattempted to snatch anything from Miss Blake."
"Where did the shot come from?"
"Owing to the fog we can't be sure. She wasn't sure herself. But we think –it seems the best idea – that the man mayhave been standing in the area."
"He shot at her twice, you say?"
"Yes. The first shot missed. The commissionairerushed along from where he was standing outside the hotel door and shoved her behind himjust before the second shot.
So that he got hit instead, eh?"
"Quite a brave chap."
"Yes. He was brave," saidthe Chief-Inspector. "His military record was very good. AnIrishman."
"What's his name?"
"Gorman. Michael Gorman."
"Michael Gorman." Egertonfrowned for a minute. "No," hesaid. "For a moment I thought the name meant something."
"It's a very commonname, of course. Anyway, he saved the girl's life."
"And why exactly have you come to me,Chief-Inspector?"
"I hoped for a little information. We always likefull information, you know, about the victim of a murderous assault."
"Oh, naturally, naturally. But really, I've only seen Elvira twice since she was a child."
"You saw her when she came to call upon you abouta week ago, didn't you?"
"Yes, that's quiteright. What exactly do you want to know? If it's anythingabout her personality, who her friends were or about boy friends, or lovers' quarrels – all that sort of thing – you'd do better to go to one of the women. There's a Mrs. Carpenter who brought her back from Italy, I believe, and there's Mrs. Melford with whom she lives in Kent."
"I've seen Mrs.Melford."
"No good. Absolutely no good at all, sir. And Idon't so much want to know about the girl personally –after all, I've seen her for myself and I've heard what she can tell me – or rather whatshe's willing to tell me."
At a quick appreciated of Egerton's eyebrows he saw that the other had appreciated the point of the word "willing."
"I've been told thatshe was worried, upset, afraid about something, and convinced that her life was in danger.Was that your impression when she came to see you?"
"No," said Egerton,slowly, "no, I wouldn't go as faras that; though she did say one or two things that struck me as curious."
"Such as?"
"Well, she wanted to know who would benefit if shewere to die suddenly."
"Ah," saidChief-Inspector Davy, "so she had that possibility in hermind, did she? That she might die suddenly. Interesting."
"She'd got somethingin her head but I didn't know what it was. She also wanted toknow how much money she had – or would have when she wastwenty-one. That, perhaps, is more understandable."
"It's a lot of money Ibelieve."
"It's a very largefortune, Chief-Inspector."
"Why do you think she wanted to know?"
"About the money?"
"Yes, and about who would inherit it?"
"I don't know,"said Egerton. "I don't know at all. She also brought up the subject of marriage –」
"Did you form the impression that there was a manin the case?"
"I've no evidence –but – yes, I did think just that. I feltsure there was a boy friend somewhere in the offing. There usually is! Luscombe –that's Colonel Luscombe, her guardian,doesn't seem to know anything about a boy friend. But thendear old Derek Luscombe wouldn't. He was quite upset when Isuggested that there was such a thing in the background and probably an unsuitable one atthat."
"He is unsuitable," saidChief-Inspector Davy.
"Oh. Then you know who he is?"
"I can have a very good guess at it. LadislausMalinowski. 「
"The racing motorist? Really! A handsomedare-devil. Women fall for him easily. I wonder how he came across Elvira. I don't see very well where their orbits would meet except – yes, I believe he was in Rome a couple of months ago. Possibly she met himthere."
"Very possibly. Or could she have met him throughher mother?"
"What, through Bess? I wouldn't say that was at all likely."
Davy coughed.
"Lady Sedgwick and Malinowski are said to be closefriends, sir."
"Oh yes, yes, I know that's the gossip. May be true, may not. They are close friends – thrown together constantly by their way of life. Bess has had her affairs, ofcourse; though, mind you, she's not be nymphomaniac type.People are ready enough to say that about a woman, but it'snot true in Bess's case. Anyway, as far as I know, Bess andher daughter are practically not even acquainted with each other."
"That's what LadySedgwick told me. And you agree?"
Egerton nodded.
"What other relatives has Miss Blake got?"
"For all intents and purposes, none. Her mother's two brothers were killed in the war – and shewas old Coniston's only child. Mrs. Melford, though the girlcalls her 'Cousin Mildred' isactually a cousin of Colonel Luscombe. Luscombe's done hisbest for the girl in his conscientious old-fashioned way – butit's difficult … for a man."
"Miss Blake brought up the subject of marriage,you say? There's no possibility, I suppose, that she mayactually already be married –」
"She's well under age –she'd have to have the assent of herguardian and trustees."
"Technically, yes. But they don't always wait for that," said Father.
"I know. More regrettable. One has to go throughall the machinery of making them Wards of Court, and all the rest of it. And even that hasits difficulties."
"And once they'remarried, they're married," saidFather. "I suppose, if she were married, and died suddenly,her husband would inherit?"
"This idea of marriage is most unlikely. She hasbeen most carefully looked after and…." He stopped, reacting to Chief-Inspector Davy'scynical smile.
However carefully Elvira had been looked after, sheseemed to have succeeded in making the acquaintance of the highly unsuitable LadislausMalinowski.
He said dubiously, "Hermother bolted, it's true."
"Her mother bolted, yes – that's what she would do. – but Miss Blake's a different type. She's just as get on getting her own way, but she'dgo about it differently."
"You don't reallythink –」
"I don't thinkanything – yes," saidChief-Inspector Davy.